First Annual Class of 1965 Winter Trip to Bunkhouse

Dan Nelson, Director of Dartmouth Outdoor Programs guided the First Annual Class of 1965 winter trip to the ’65 Bunkhouse February 28 – March 1, 2017.  Two days of winter mountain hiking and skiing were followed by evenings in the ’65 Bunkhouse enjoying the warm camaraderie around the glowing stoves that keep inside temperatures in the 70’s while outside the winter in the White Mountains gave the group 2-4 feet of snow and temperatures in the teens. 



Left to right Hank Amon, Mike Gonnerman, Dave Beattie, Bill Young, Dan Nelson 


Dave and Hank on the trail 

DOC Winter Programs at ’65 Bunkhouse

'65 Bunkhouse Galley Stocked and Ready for Winter 2015-16 -- November 20, 2015

’65 Bunkhouse Galley Stocked and Ready for Winter 2015-16 — November 20, 2015

Letter from Dan Nelson, Director of Dartmouth Outdoor Programs:

Dear DOC students, alumni and friends:

I’m writing to let you know about a series of winter weekend programs we are planning at the beautiful new (heated and insulated!) Class of 1965 Bunkhouse at Mount Moosilauke.   Led by Outdoor Programs staff and DOC leaders, some of these programs will be specifically instructional and will focus on specific winter-travel skills.  Others will be more independent, with the leader managing the facility and leading optional outings but with participants having the option to explore on their own.  The participation fee includes overnight accommodations at the ’65 bunkhouse, meals, and any related instruction.   Participants will be responsible for their own equipment (many items available at Dartmouth Outdoor Rentals), snacks, and for getting themselves and their gear to the bunkhouse (which will probably require a ski or snowshoe up the Ravine Lodge access road from the main road) — unless other arrangements are made in connection with the specific program.  Please call 603-646-0351 to make a reservation or to contact the trip leader for more information.  A suggested equipment list will be provided to participants.  The costs are:  Students $75 (DOC financial aid available); Dartmouth Employees and Alumni $150; others $200.  Maximum group size is 10 (including leaders)


  • Welcome Winter:  December 18-20 (Dan Nelson, leader)
    • Pray for snow and plan to ski or snowshoe that Friday afternoon from the parking area on Rt. 118 to the ’65 Bunkhouse, arriving in time for dinner.  After dinner we’ll make sure that everyone has the appropriate gear for the conditions and the next day’s outings, which could include ski touring, snowshoeing or winter hiking, depending on conditions.  After breakfast on Saturday we’ll head out on the mountain, either in one group or several, depending on interests.  Instruction in backcountry ski touring and snowshoeing available, if snow conditions permit.  Story-telling and relaxing around the wood stoves in the bunkhouse Saturday afternoon and evening.   After breakfast on Sunday, head out for another adventure or enjoy cabin life.   Departure after lunch on Sunday.
  • January 23-24 (Brian Kunz and Patrick Saylor ’16 leaders)
    • Explore Moosilauke on skis and snowshoes  January 23-24 (Brian Kunz and Patrick Saylor ‘16 – leaders)  Depart campus Saturday morning and haul supplies into the new winterized  ’65 Bunkhouse.  Then explore the trails and return to the bunkhouse for a warm evening of eating and storytelling.  Sunday we will plan for an early start to summit and return to the bunkhouse to pack up and return to campus by 5 pm.  Instruction on winter dress, winter travel and comfort.  We will travel together from Hanover in a Dartmouth van and work together to arrive at the bunkhouse with all of our equipment and food.  Costs are as listed above.  Contact Brian Kunz for more information.
  • February 5-7 (Rory Gawler, leader)
    • Plan to ski or snowshoe that Friday afternoon from the parking area on Rt. 118 to the ’65 Bunkhouse, arriving in time for a delicious dinner cooked by camp chef extraordinaire Rory Gawler ’05.  After dinner we’ll make sure that everyone has the appropriate gear for the conditions and the next day’s outings, which could include ski touring, snowshoeing or winter hiking, depending on conditions.  After breakfast on Saturday we’ll head out on the mountain, either in one group or several, depending on interests. Instruction in backcountry ski touring and snowshoeing available, if snow conditions permit.  Story-telling and relaxing around the wood stoves in the bunkhouse Saturday afternoon and evening.   After breakfast on Sunday, head out for another adventure or enjoy cabin life.   Departure after lunch on Sunday.
  • March (date TBD):  (Morgan Haas, leader)
    • Snowshoeing or early spring hiking, depending on weather and snow conditions.
Daniel M. Nelson, Director
Dartmouth Outdoor Programs
115 Robinson Hall
PO Box 9
Hanover, NH  03755
603-646-2356 (office)
603-646-1444 (fax)


Dedication June 11, 2015


Class of 1965 Bunkhouse Weather Tight

November 25, 2014

'65 Bunkhouse 1-25-2015 early morning

The ’65 Bunkhouse is weather tight and tucked-in for the Winter.  The framing week described below was followed-up by two months of hard work by a dedicated crew. The  insulated raised-seam metal roof was installed.  Stringers were laid over the slab and the pine floor boards installed. The frame was wrapped with two layers of siding  that sandwich  high-tech paneled insulation.   Windows and doors completed the process of yielding the structure weather tight.

The ’65 Bunkhouse is eighty percent complete.  Remaining work includes build-out of interior walls and bunks, installation of the wood stoves and bathroom facility, and completion of the screen porch.  All will be completed in April and May well ahead of our June 11, 2015 dedication.  (We have ten bunks reserved by classmates for night of June 11 and expect a full house).


Frame-up – Tree-up

Framing Week – September 10-15, 2014



It is with great pleasure that I can report a very successful framing-week at Mount Moosilauke culminating with the topping-out ceremonial tree by David Beattie ’65 on September 15.  The entire week was a demonstration of teamwork in the true sense of the word.  Tim McNamara ‘78 of Dartmouth’s real estate office had the site and slab prepared.  David Hooke ‘84 of TimberHomes prepared the framing material and provided an outstanding team of craftsman to lead and teach the volunteer crew of over thirty-five. David’s professionals were both expert at their craft and wonderful patient teachers.   The camaraderie, sense of purpose, and love of Dartmouth and the outdoors made for a thoroughly enjoyable experience for all.

The Class of 1965 full-time volunteers spent six days working from virtually dawn-to-dusk fabricating the beams and raising the structure on the last two days. Lead by Dave Beattie, Shep Curtis and Jack Nobel did yeomen work with hand chisels, saws, and augers notching and cutting the intricate joiner fittings that often numbered six or more on a single 8’ x 10” beam. They were ably assisted by wives Susan, Joy, and Pat respectively, who became experts in chiseling, peg making, and oiling.

The full-time ‘65’s were joined for shorter work periods by Hank Amon, Mike Gonnerman, Kris Green, Jim and Debbie Griffiths, Roger Hansen, Stu Keiller, and Stuart Russell.  The work crew and Betsy Gonnerman, Diane Keiller, and Allen and Judy Zern  all enjoyed a celebratory dinner at Dowd’s Inn in Lyme, NH on Sunday evening.   Debbie Brown (with husband Sheridan) from the Advancement Office,  Tim McNamara ‘78, and Dan Nelson ‘75, Director of the Dartmouth Outing Club were guests of the Class of 1965 and received our well deserved thanks for all their work in support of the ’65 Bunkhouse Project.