Support of Moving Dartmouth Forward
The Reunion team has consulted with the Class leadership and decided that all of the Class of 1965 50th Reunion events, whether on or off campus, will observe the College policy of beer and wine only. In conjunction with the other Reunion Classes, this is intended as a show of support for the College’s Moving Dartmouth Forward initiatives.
Residence Halls: McLaughlin Cluster (corner of Maynard & College Streets)
Class Headquarters: Occum Commons, Goldstein Hall, Maynard Street
Class Tent: Maynard Lawn
($) Separate charge not included in class reunion fee
Green denotes College-sponsored activities
All programs are subject to confirmation. This schedule will be continuously updated with the most current version always accessible at . This update: 4/28/15.
Thursday, June 11
Early Bird Arrival
Please note: Residence halls will not be available until Friday, June 12. Please be sure to make other housing arrangements for Thursday night.
9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Jim Hamilton Memorial Hike (led by Dave Beattie ’65)
Departs from the Ravine Lodge
Hike to the summit of Mt. Moosilauke with your ’65 classmates and spouses. Other, less strenuous hikes will be arranged if there is interest.
3 p.m.
Bus Service to Ravine Lodge Moosilauke Departs Hanover
McLaughlin Cluster parking area (bus capacity limited- pre-register)
Round trip bus service from Hanover leaves promptly for the one hour ride to Moosilauke.
4:30–5 p.m.
Class of 1965 Bunkhouse Dedication
Class of 1965 Bunkhouse, Ravine Lodge, Mt. Moosilauke
Commemorate the opening of this new facility and celebrate our 50th reunion gift to the College.
5–8 p.m.
BBQ and Entertainment
Moosilauke Ravine Lodge
Celebrate the start of the reunion and our new bunkhouse!
8 p.m.
Return Bus Service to Hanover Departs Moosilauke
Moosilauke Ravine Lodge
Bus returns from Moosilauke to McLaughlin Cluster area in Hanover with 9:15 p.m. arrival expected.
1965 Moosilauke Overnight Class of 1965 Bunkhouse, Moosilauke Ravine Lodge
Overnight stay in Class of 1965 Bunkhouse available by reservation for up to 26 classmates and guests. Arrange your own transportation. (Possible additional bunks in the Class of 1974 Bunkhouse.) To reserve, contact: Stu Keiller,
*Start of Official Reunion*
Friday, June 12
Registration open from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. in Occom Commons
A separate schedule of Affinity Group gatherings will be available at registration.
8–10 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
Occom Commons
8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
1965 at Dartmouth: A Retrospective
Rauner Library
Enjoy items from the Dartmouth College Archives
10 a.m.–5 p.m.
’65 50th Reunion Sidewalk Café Open
Sidewalk Café tent next to Class tent
Catch up with friends in a sophisticated, comfortable and relaxed setting.
10–11 a.m.
Architectural Walking Tour of Campus
Meet in front of Dartmouth Hall (rain: Room 105, Dartmouth Hall)
Tour begins promptly at 10 a.m. Led by Marlene Heck, senior lecturer in Art History and History.
10–11 a.m.
Dartmouth Today Campus Bus Tour
Meet at Hanover Inn
Guided bus tour of the campus and the Hanover area.
Noon–1:30 pm
1965 Barbecue with Class of 2015
Collis Student Center
Open to all ’65’s and guests.
1:45–3 p.m.
’65’s in the Arts Panel
Moore Theater, Hopkins Center for the Arts
Panelists to include David Feldshuh ’65, playwright, Dick Durrance ’65, photographer, DeWitt Jones ’65, photographer, and Chris Knight ’65, photographer/filmmaker. Moderated by Jeffrey H. James, Howard Gilman Director, Hopkins Center for the Arts.
3–4 p.m.
Professional School Receptions
Open to graduate school alumni and guests
Geisel School of Medicine
Faculty Conference Room, Dean-Admissions Office Building, 1 Rope Ferry Road
Registration required by June 1; RSVP to Annette Rine at or (603) 653-0726.
Thayer School of Engineering
Jackson Conference Room, Cummings Hall, Thayer School of Engineering
Registration required by May 23; RSVP to or (603) 646-8904.
Tuck School of Business
Buchanan Faculty Seminar Room, Tuck School of Business
Remarks by Dean Paul Danos
Registration required by June 1; RSVP to or (603) 646-6477.
4:30–5:30 p.m.
Exhibit Opening and Reception: “Picturing the World – Class of 1965 Photographers”
Kim Gallery, Hood Museum of Art
Gala reception to open a curated Hood Museum exhibition featuring works by renowned photographers and Classmates Dick Durrance ’65, Dewitt Jones ’65, Heinz Kluetmeier ’65, Chris Knight ’65, and Joel Sternfeld ’65.
5:30 pm–6:30 p.m.
Class Reception
Baker Library lawn (rain: West Gym)
6:30–9 p.m.
Class Dinner and Dessert Reception with President Hanlon ’77
Baker Library lawn (rain: West Gym)
Suggested dress: Jacket, with tie optional.
9 p.m.–midnight
Performance by Class of ’65 Reunion Band
Class Tent
9:30–10:30 pm
Glee Club Concert (tickets provided in Reunion package)
Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center
Saturday, June 13
7–10 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
Class Tent
9–10 a.m.
1965 Class Meeting
Filene Auditorium, Moore Hall
10 a.m.–5 p.m.
’65 50th Reunion Sidewalk Café Open
Sidewalk Café Tent next to Class Tent
Catch up with friends in a relaxed setting.
10 a.m.–5 p.m.
1965 at Dartmouth: A Retrospective
Rauner Library
Enjoy items from the Dartmouth College Archives.
10:15–10:30 a.m.
1965 Class Photo
Steps of Dartmouth Hall
10:45–11:45 a.m.
Memorial Service
Rollins Chapel
Officiant: The Rev. W. Shepley Curtis ’65.
12:15–2 p.m.
50th Reunion Luncheon with President Hanlon ’77 and Trustees
Connecticut River Waterfront (bus transportation will be provided from Rollins Chapel to the Waterfront and back)
Presentation of Class Gifts (DCF check, key to ’65 Bunkhouse, and rights to Passion For Snow). Suggested dress: Jacket, with tie optional.
2:15–3:30 p.m.
The Class of 1965 Vietnam War Experience
Filene Auditorium, Moore Hall
Lecture by Professor Ed Miller ’64a, Associate Professor of History and Asian and Middle Eastern Languages.
Classmate Panel Discussion led by Prof. Tom Long ’65; panelists to include classmates Weaver Gaines ’65, Ken McGruther ’65, Stu Russell ’65, Dan Walden ’65, and Marshall Wallach ’65.
2:30–5 p.m.
Explore Local Attractions
Information for self-guided tours of Upper Valley attractions, dining, and shopping will be available at the reunion registration desk
1965 Open Tennis
Berry tennis courts
Organized by: George Wittreich ’65,
4-5 p.m.
”Who We Were Then, Who We Are Now: Do Values Change?”
Richard Bernstein ’65 and other classmates take a 50-year perspective on the Class of 1965, starting from results of surveys our Class took as undergraduates!
Filene Auditorium, Moore Hall
6–7 p.m.
Class Reception
Connecticut River Waterfront
Transportation provided from McLaughlin Cluster.
7–10:30 p.m.
Gala Class Banquet
Connecticut River Waterfront
After-dinner dancing to “The Flames”.
Sunday, June 14
7:00–8:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
Class tent
8:45 a.m.
Formation of Commencement Procession
Rollins Chapel
Class members, spouses and surviving partners assemble inside the chapel. Spouses and surviving partners will be seated with classmates at Commencement. Classmates’ suggested dress: jacket and tie.
10 a.m.
Commencement Exercises
Dartmouth Green
Reserved seating provided for ’65 class members, spouses, and surviving partners.
Noon–4 p.m.
1965 at Dartmouth: A Retrospective
Rauner Library
Enjoy items from the Dartmouth College Archives.
1–2 p.m.
Box Lunch with Class Socializing
Class tent
*Start of Extended Reunion* ($)
1-5 p.m.
’65 50th Reunion Sidewalk Café Open
Sidewalk Café tent next to Class tent
3-4:30 p.m.
Panel and Open Discussion: “The Search for Social Justice: The College and the Country”
Moore Theater, Hopkins Center
Remarks by Richard Joseph ’65 and David Weber ’65, moderated by Prof. Aine Donovan ’59a, Director of the Dartmouth Ethics Institute.
6 – 9 p.m.
Montshire Museum Reception and Dinner
Montshire Museum, Norwich VT
Enjoy an evening with friends, cocktails and a great dinner at one of the Upper Valley’s finest and most interesting institutions. Exhibits and grounds will be open to explore.
Round-trip transportation provided from McLaughlin Cluster parking area
Monday, June 15
7–10 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
Class tent
8 am–4:30 p.m.
1965 at Dartmouth: A Retrospective
Rauner Library
Enjoy items from the Dartmouth College Archives
9–10 a.m.
Hood Museum of Art Tour
Kim Gallery, Hood Museum
Join Juliette Bianco ’94, Interim Director of the Hood Museum of Art, for a tour of the museum that highlights how the museum fulfills its unique teaching mission through growing its collections and presenting innovative gallery displays and exhibitions, including those curated by faculty and students. In addition, the tour will highlight exciting changes as the museum prepares for a major renovation and expansion.
9 a.m.–noon
Life Sciences Greenhouse and Brout Orchid Collection Open House
Class of 1978 Life Sciences Building, 4th Floor
Take a self-guided tour of the extensive and varied plant collection including the Brout Orchid Collection with a thousand orchids of different species and hybrids.
9:30–10:30 a.m.
Documentary Screening: “Passion for Snow”
Loew Auditorium, Black Family Visual Arts Center
Enjoy learning about Dartmouth’s pivotal role in the development of skiing in this Class of ’65 sponsored – documentary film produced by Steve Waterhouse ’65 with participation and contributions from many of our Classmates.
10 a.m.–5 p.m.
’65 50th Reunion Sidewalk Café Open
Sidewalk Café tent next to Class tent
Catch up with friends in a relaxed, sophisticated setting.
10–11 a.m.
Architectural Walking Tour of Campus
Meet in front of Dartmouth Hall (rain: Room 105, Dartmouth Hall)
Tour begins promptly at 10 a.m. Led by Marlene Heck, senior lecturer in art history and history.
10:45 a.m. –noon
Panel and Discussion: ’65’s in Science and Technology Filene Auditorium, Moore Hall
Classmates Deane Mosher, Larry Corash, and John McGeachie reflect on the explosive changes in their fields during the 50 years since our graduation, how their experience at Dartmouth shaped their careers, and how Dartmouth might best prepare future students to take a leading role in future advances.
Noon–2 p.m.
Box Lunch/Buffet
Class Tent
12:30-2:00 p.m.
“He Said/ She Said”
Informal gatherings to put Reunion into perspective, socialize and continue or expand conversations. Held (weather permitting) in the gardens of Steve Fowler ’65 (for the women-facilitated by Linda Fowler and Ellen Bettmann) and Steve Waterhouse ’65 (for the men). Both homes are within easy walking distance of the Class tent. Bring your box lunch (refreshments served.)
2–3 p.m.
Dartmouth College Today Campus Bus Tour
Meet at Hanover Inn
Guided bus tour of campus and the Hanover area.
2:30 p.m.
Rehearsal with University Chorus
Faulkner Recital Hall, Hopkins Center
All former Glee Club singers in the Class are invited to participate.
3–5 p.m.
Academic Open Houses
Various locations- see back of program for additional information.
Get an update on Dartmouth academic life today.
3:30–5 p.m.
U.S Politics: The Run-Up to Election Year
Filene Auditorium & Moore B03, Moore Hall
Join the Rockefeller Center’s Senior Lecturer in Economics Charlie Wheelan ‘88 for a timely discussion of politics, the presidential election and the two-party system. The founder of the Centrist Project, Wheelan has spent time as a speechwriter, a correspondent for The Economist, and a Congressional candidate. A widely published author, his most recent book is The Centrist Manifesto. Moderated by Bob Hager ’60.
6–7 p.m.
Top of the Hop, Hopkins Center
7–8:30 p.m.
Alumni Hall, Hopkins Center
8:30–9:30 p.m.
“A Little Night Magic”
Moore Theater, Hopkins Center
Enjoy the talents of Classmate magician Rich Bloch ’65. Other reunion classes invited, space permitting.
9:30 – midnight
Class Tent
9:45–10:15 p.m.
University Chorus of the Upper Valley
Moore Theater, Hopkins Center
Enjoy popular favorites and Dartmouth songs as sung by an alumni chorus with former Glee Club members.
Tuesday, June 16
7–10 a.m.
Farewell Breakfast
Class Tent
Noon (or earlier)
Check out and turn in your room keys.